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Sunday 13 December 2009


This Saab engine is definitely proving to be more complicated than initially expected. The turbo has so many hoses, pipes and connectors its crazy! As well as all the other parts in the engine bay. We have the engine free of all the surrounding parts now though after much work, the drive shafts came undone with a 32mm socket, and so its pretty much ready to drop out now, but its getting dark so we called it a day. The engine will drop out with the front sub frame and come out of the bottom of the engine bay, then we will need to lift the front of the car high enough to get the engine out from underneath, which should be pretty interesting! I'll make sure to get a photo of that for you.

We also need to get the ECU from the car to go with the engine, and maybe one or two other small parts we can think of.

We will hopefully get the engine out friday afternoon i think, as we'll be working all week as usual - so look for an update with some pics then.

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