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Wednesday 9 December 2009

Its cold and wet

So I've been doing some reading up on Saab info and to work out exactly what we've let ourselves in for.

If you're looking at doing something similar, definitely head over to there's so much info there and they seem like a friendly bunch.

Anyway, I think the following brain dump is a list of stuff that's going to be a pain to sort out/ challenge to get stuck into:

  • Saab ECU need speed sensor as it calculates boost on detecting what gear you're in. Sierra doesn't have ABS, so we may have to rig up a toothed wheel and sensor onto the prop, or Burton Power sell electronic speedo sender adaptors for the Type 9 gearbox.
  • Clutch - the Saab is 185bhp, and while the Zero is a light car, it's stil a lot for the old 2.3 Sierra plate to deal with. Yukspeed and SBDevelopments do uprated plates if needed.
  • Engine size, I've now heard a lot of 'this engine is very tall' stories, fingers crossed the expected bonnet bulge will look more 'purposeful' than 'upturned bathtub'.
  • Custom engine mounts - I'd best brush off the welder...
  • Power Steering and Air Con will be ditched so will need an idler pulley or 2 and brackets to retain belt tension.
  • 'Sticky-out bits' i.e. Manifolds, turbo, alternator, etc; all these could get in the way of chassis rails, steering column etc.
  • Fuel tank to suit fuel injection i.e. has a return inlet.
And I'm sure a lot more!

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