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Monday 29 March 2010

Prep work

So after a weekend off kit car work for a stag do in edinburgh I got down to working hard on the car over the weekend. Still nothing attached to the chassis though!

I've prepped and painted the back plates for the rear discs, same with the front caliper carriers to go with the shiny new calipers I've got. Cleaned up the diff ready to put in, but haven't painted that as it looks fairly good as its aluminium rather than rusty steel.

The majority of the weekend was taken up with sanding out the insides of all the wishbones ready for the bushes to be put in. The bushes are definitely an interference fit! Very hard work getting them in even with a vince to push them in! I was about 2/3rds done before my arm got too knackered to do any more! So they are next on the list to finish. Maybe can then get something attached to the car.

Lots of other purchases too ready for installation on the car, so many little bits to get in addition to the kit! e.g. for the fuel system:

Low pressure fuel pump
Swirl pot
High pressure fuel pump
Some 8mm pipe
P clips to hold the pipe
Plus I'm sure we will end up needing lots of parts for joining pipes together in places.

Also bought a sierra master cylinder off ebay as we forgot / didn't realise we needed to get that from the donor car. Hope we don't find too many more things like that!

The boots on the driveshafts have seen better days too, so am going to replace them too.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me to take some photos of all the bits and pieces we've got ready now, but I'll make sure to get some as they go into the chassis. Hopefully some more good progress over the easter weekend - should be able to get the diff in and start attaching some of the wishbones. With a break for the kit car show in kent at some point over the weekend. Hopefully I can buy some seats off the GBS guys at the show too, as i quite liked the seats when I sat in them when picking up the kit and they are very reasonably priced when you look at other options.

1 comment:

  1. Ι m so jealous! I want one as well! I showed the blog and Zero site to me fellow soldiers and everyone wants one now!

    Need more photos from the build process!
