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Saturday 6 March 2010

Collection Day!!!

We hired a LWB Transit and drove up to GBS today to collect the Zero kit. Seemed fitting that the sun came out to, the M25 had no traffic, and for once it wasn't freezing cold!

Anyway, a quick stop off first to pick up the Omega Gearbox courtesy of ebay. Smaller than we thought and lighter than the Type 9 thanks to being all alloy. Came with hydraulic clutch cylinder too which helps.

From Kit Car 070309

From Kit Car 070309

Our chassis on its trolley.
From Collecting Zero kit

Loading up the Transit.
From Collecting Zero kit

Some other cars there when we got there, useful to take pictures of certain areas for reference later. The GBS guys gave us loads of tipe which we promptly forgot.
From Collecting Zero kit

We ticked everything off while loading up, there's so many parts that come with the kit. GBS had very nicely given us orange harnesses to go with the orange GRP.

Top tip - get some pipe lagging to protect things (for 22mm pipe, about 60p a length from B&Q), cheap, easy to cut and stays on by itself.
From Kit Car 070309

Over the weekend, having recovered from a slight hangover, I knocked up a pair of trestles to put the chassis on.
From Kit Car 070309
P.S. its not a wide angle lens making it look wonky, it is actually wonky :-) sturdy though.

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